
Your payment processing selection will determine the fees charged per ticket sold at your event. Your 3 payment processing options are listed below:

  • Benchmark EasyPay

  • Paypal.com

  • Authorize.net

  • Credit cards
  • Paypal
  • Authorzenet

Benchmark EasyPay

How Credit Card fees work for Benchmark Events

Benchmark service charge
(per ticket sold):

$0.75 + 2% of the ticket price

Credit Card processing fee
(per ticket sold):

3% of ticket price


Ticket Price = $20
Benchmark Service Fee = $0.75 + $0.40
Credit Card Fee = $0.60
Total Fees = $1.75

Will I (the event organizer) pay this fee?

That is up to you. You can pay these service charges yourself (the fee will be subtracted from payment received) or pass them to the ticket buyer. In the latter case, their total charge for a $20 ticket would become $21.75. You would then receive $20 for this sale.

Is this process fast for my ticket buyers?

Yes, the fastest. Since Benchmark handles the payments, your buyers never leave the page to buy a ticket.

Can I process refunds?

Yes, quickly right through our system.

How am I paid?

Five days after the event ends, we'll send you check or deposit the money right to your bank account.

Can I accept tickets at the door or via checks in the mail?

Yes. If accepting cash or check for tickets, we will even help you track these offline ticket sales.