Benchmark 通過瑞士–美國隱私保護盾認證

2017 年年初,美國與瑞士政府同意簽署《瑞士–美國隱私保護盾》。


所謂小心駛得萬年船,選擇認證通過的行銷工具因此更顯重要,Benchmark 郵件行銷通過《瑞士–美國隱私保護盾》認證。





● 取得認證之企業更應善盡職責,保護客戶個資,另應提供特定資訊以供當事人參考。

● 美國商務部與瑞士立法官員將會齊力合作,深耕個資法規

● 取得認證之企業應當提供爭議解決流程,包含當事人直接向企業申訴的管道,或將爭議交付具有約束力的仲裁

Benchmark 在乎您的隱私


請參考 Benchmark 部落格文章:詳盡探討《一般資料保護規定》(GDPR)


by Andy Shore

Andy Shore found his way to Benchmark when he replied to a job listing promising a job of half blogging, half social media. His parents still don’t believe that people get paid to do that. Since then, he’s spun his addiction to pop culture and passion for music into business and marketing posts that are the spoonful of sugar that helps the lessons go down. As the result of his boss not knowing whether or not to take him seriously, he also created the web series Ask Andy, which stars a cartoon version of himself. Despite being a cartoon, he somehow manages to be taken seriously by many of his readers ... and few of his coworkers.